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Good News for Facebook Advertisers

According to a quick poll by Mashable, readers think that Facebook is the social network that delivers the best ads. “Best” is described as ““most accurate, interesting and engaging.” Facebook ads seem to be considered the most relevant, which is no surprise with its unique advertising platform that lets advertisers target users not just based on the usual demographic data but also based on specific terms found in the user’s profiles (interests, hobbies, favorites, jobs, etc.)

This is definitely good news for us online marketers who advertise on Facebook, but what about our ads on the other social networks like MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, and so on? My opinion is that we should not be discouraged, and instead work even harder on making sure that our ads are relevant, engaging and reach the correct target audience. We can rely on technologies such as MySpace’s hypertargeting, or try out ad networks that focus solely on Social Media such as Lotame.

However, whether we are advertising on Facebook or Google or any other property, we want to make sure that our online ads get clicks, and these clicks convert into actions. Because ultimately, our role is to encourage desired behavior – and great ads are always part of our strategy.

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