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Color, The Ultimate Mobile Social Networking App?

There are hundreds of new mobile apps released every day, but one app that was recently developed caught our attention here at Overdrive, Color.   This new app pairs social networking with photos in a cloud-based storage network.   With $41 million in funding, many expect Color to be a game changer.

A simple way to describe Color is as a public photo and video-sharing app for groups.   Unlike other social sharing mobile apps, the app uses your location and sharing history to determine which photos and videos to share with you, not who your “friends” or followers are.   Color creates what is referred to as an “elastic social network.”  The app establishes who your “friends” are by identifying who you hang out with on a regular basis.  Every time two friends use the app near each other, Color’s algorithms detect it and use it to in essence rank your friendship.

The app Color

On your phone the app displays a stream of uploads from your elastic social network, in addition to photos and videos from anyone within 100 feet of you.  Shares, likes, taps, distance and other various metrics also fed into Color’s algorithm to establish which photos and videos to display.  The app even has the ability to display photos that were previously taken in your location by those in your elastic social network.

The app Color

Despite being a technology packed app, one drawback about Color is there are virtually no privacy controls.   Every photo and video uploaded to the app becomes public.  Not only can the individuals that you list as your “friends” view your uploads, but anyone in your proximity can and you can’t change that.  Yet, Color counters this dispute by pointing out that no personal information is associated with your account.  Your phone, essentially acts as a cookie that has the potential to be used for real time targeted ads.  By aggregating your routines and location patterns, Color will offer a platform for real time location based targeting for marketers.  Establishing Color as a potentially powerful advertising tool.

If you are not scared off by the lack of privacy controls, Color is definitely a unique app you should (and need to) download with a group of friends.  It has the potential to be the next most popular way to stay in touch with close friends visually, as well as a way to meet new friends that share your interests in your proximity.

To learn more about Color check out this video.

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